A sigh of relief
Today Jared and I went to the doctor to hear the heartbeat. Although I had no reason to be anxious, I was. I just wanted to hear that tiny heartbeat and know everything was okay and progessing. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my dr. Dr. Eisenberg is fantastic. Whenever I go in there he makes me feel calm and at ease about my pregancy and our decisions. So...on with the story. The nurse calls us back to the room and leaves. While waiting on the dr., Jared says, "Are you going to take your clothes off?" I say, "Well...the nurse didn't say to, and I don't want the dr. to come in here and I'm naked for no reason." Thankfully I listened to the voice of reason and kept my clothes on. If not, I would have been really embarrassed, as that was unnecessary for this particular visit. Dr. E came in and explained that the objective of this visit was to find and hear the heartbeat. He looks at me and says, "Now, this is like finding a needle in a haystack. So, don't get nervous if it takes a while." So I lie there and prepare myself to wait a while. Baby Verwiel was ready to show off. Dr. E put the doppler on my belly and we immediately heard that precious thump, thump! Good strong heartbeat! I looked at Dr. E as if he was making that crazy noise! Because the look was written all over my face, as per usual, he felt the need to assure me; "That's your baby." I let a sigh of relief and gave praise and thanksgiving to my Creator who's given us this little, bitty blessing. I thought I would cry, but I was just elated with joy and excitement. We are due Sept. 29th, which will make for a comfortable summer I hear :-) We'll find out just who's in there around my birthday. What a great present, huh?! We go in for a sonogram next week, so maybe I can post a pic
What a wonderful doctor's appt! I can't wait to hear Baby V's gender :)
:) I would have totally gotten undressed. I usually go with what Bryan thinks is right, so I totally would have been waiting nakedly.
I'm so glad baby-V is already so strong in there. I just love her or him so much! I cannot wait to meet them. I should probably call and speak to baby-v before your photo shoot next time, though. I'll give some motivation, and try to verbally teach him/her how to strike a good solid pose for the camera.
GREAT NEWS!! That conversation about "Are you gonna get naked?" - HILARIOUS!! That sounds just like Scott and I!! HA!! I'm glad you went with your gut!!! LOL!
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