Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11

I don't have any pictures today but wanted to let you know that lately some job interviews have become available to me. I'm REALLY excited about a couple of them. I'll keep you updated. Please pray as you feel led.
Jared has just ended another semester of school. He continues to do so well. He's taking summer classes to stay on schedule to graduate May 2011.

Henry's finally teething. He's cut 2 already, but you can't really see them yet. I've heard that this can be a fussy time for babies, and he's proven so. He's such a content baby, so when he's not feeling good I feel so sorry for him. He'll be playing and crawling around, and then those crocodile tears come. Bless his little heart!

In other news, my sweet friend Brian and his wife Roxanne had their baby last Friday. Welcome little Avery Nicole!!! Brian and I worked on the same team at Pfizer. He got hired about a month or so after I did. Like me, he was laid off in January. I'm asking that you be in prayer for his family, too.

We sincerely thank you for all of your prayers during this time of transition. They are felt and much appreciated. God has given me this time with Henry, and I will ALWAYS be grateful for that. I don't know what I would do without my hope in Jesus Christ and the loving friends and family He's placed in our lives. The enemy is so devious that I become shaken about my job situation once in a while and begin getting worried, but I have hope in my Savior that things will work out. Our Sunday school teacher (also Jared's OT prof) has a mantra that I've grown to love... "What God has done in the past is a model and a promise for what He will do in the future, although He is too creative to do the same thing the same way twice." I also need to thank Tiffany and Andrea for their ENDLESS counseling and mentoring during this process. Jared has continued to be the pillar of faith our family needs and has led our family so willingly. Henry's going to learn how to be a great man with Jared's example...and how to save a dollar! (Sorry, boo, you know i had to!!! We love that about you!) With the title of this post and God's word, of course, my heavenly Father knows the plans He has for me...nothing else needs to be said.


Ashley said...

What an encouragement!
I have been SO down lately. I've seriously cried (hard) every day for the last week because I'm so upset about moving. I rarely cry and I think Bryan's really starting to get concerned that I'm not going to go with him!
How did you deal with moving to TX? I was there for a few good crys, but I really need some advice about coping. I miss you!

The Anderson Family said...

you should tell ashley, i can help counsel too. plus i'm cheap b/c i am long distance!! love you- i can see it coming together very soon! you are always in my prayers

Ashley said...

Tomorrow's going to be great! Don't cry, ok? said...

I dont know what to say. This blog is fantastic. Thats not really a really huge statement, but its all I could come up with after reading this. You know so much about this subject. So much so that you made me want to learn more about it. Your blog is my stepping stone, my friend. Thanks for the heads up on this subject.