Thursday, April 17, 2008

IT'S A BOY and a great birthday present!

Well, Jared has been bragging for quite sometime that he only makes boys. So far, he's exactly right. I went today to the Urologist's office, and we found a beautiful baby boy in there! :-)Let me tell you... this boy is NOT shy! He was just lying there with one hand behind his head and legs sprawled out. He IS his father's son already! We had no problem seeing what we needed to see. I didn't receive a c.d. like I did last time, so I'll try to scan the pics in and post them later. I just wanted to share the news. My birthday was yesterday...what perfect timing for a great present, huh?!

Now for my birthday surprise!!!
On Saturday, Boo threw me a surprise party. (By the way, for those that don't know...we are the "Oo" Family. Don't ask me how or why; it just evolved. Jared's Boo; I'm Moo; and Rahab's Poo...I guess the baby will be Roo...or Noo...or Woo...I don't know, we'll work on it!)We got up early Saturday morning and cleaned, which is our Saturday ritual. About 9:00 he said that he was going somewhere and, when he got back, he'd have a surprise for me. I immediately thought, "Mmmmmm...Breakfast!" When he wasn't home by 10:00 I called to see if I should eat anything. "Sure," he said. So, no breakfast. When he came home he had a bunch of shopping bags from Wal-Mart. I just stood there thinking, "So you went to Wal-Mart for groceries? What a great surprise." Then I left to go to Riley's soccer game. Jared had asked me to ask Andrea and Bryan if they wanted to come over for a BBQ. I asked but understood that if they didn't want to come it was no big deal b/c they have 3 kids and all the toys at their house. They said they'd come. When I got home there was a cake and a card on the counter. How sweet! So I thought we'd be celebrating my birthday with the Learys. WRONG!!! Our friends kept showing up and saying, "Happy Birthday!" Jared had arranged the whole thing. Isn't he great?! We had about 15 people come over and enjoy good fun, good BBQ, and really good cake! (Thanks Riley for picking it out!) My sweet friend, Andrea, is terrible at keeping secrets, but she kept this for a week and helped get me out of the house. I have terrific friends and a pretty fantastic honey! I just love my Boo! I must mention, however, that Rahab had a grand time and thought everyone was coming just to see her! She greeted everyone and catered to them the whole time they were there...Way to go Ray! :-)


The Overstreets said...

WOO HOO!! Hooray for a baby BOY! I'm so excited for you both.. love you!!

Alison said...

YAY! Y'all are going to have so much fun with your little guy!!!! Congratulations :)

Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

Yay! I got your message! I'm so excited for you!!! Now the room can officially be painted/ bedding can officially be ordered!!! I've been absolutely insane with my final project being due tomorrow but I"m going to call you tomorrow!!!

P.S. Woo, might remind you of Stan./Choo might make some people think you adopted./ Doo is probably something too similar to Poo./ Foo is hard to yell./ Roo is not half bad./ I like Goo.

Ashley said...

oh yea, go to my blog and go to the Bonners link. Check out the latest post about tree choppers rejecting cookies then read the comments for it! It's about that weird lady in a convertable!

The Texas VicHorns said...

A BOY!!! That is so exciting!!! I know you guys are PUMPED. Love it.

Happy belated birthday! You have a sweet hubby. So glad your day was special. :)

Woodman said...

YAH!! A boy!!! I'm SOOO happy for y'all!!!!